Inspire Our Consumer
Provide high-quality, innovative, affordable and responsive programming.
Expand guided career pathways to align with effective practices. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place
Status | Goal |
80% Complete | Develop and implement guided pathway bridge programming for high school and adult ESL learners to CPC or credit programming |
45% Complete | Build a strong and comprehensive AA/AS transfer communication plan for concurrent enrollment students. |
65% Complete | Embed high school advising in the Career and College Coaches position. |
40% Complete | Develop guided pathways for part-time students. |
60% Complete | Ensure 90 percent of all students receive career guidance and/or resources. |
Continue implementation of strategic enrollment management plan. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place
Status | Goal |
50% Complete | Increase the graduation and transfer rates for transfer students. |
80% Complete | Expand business partnerships. |
60% Complete | Create innovative program/course delivery methods to improve student access, maximize space and decrease time-to-delivery. |
98% Complete | Initiate program promotion campaigns for the top program market opportunities. |
80% Complete | Leverage funding sources to increase enrollment and remove financial barriers. |
80% Complete | Complete district-wide training on the HSED through the credit recruitment model. |
90% Complete | Solidify the career academy/early admission program model and provide training. |
Create innovative educational systems that foster faculty and student engagement, quality curriculum and outcomes that prepare the student for employment or further education. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place
Status | Goal |
95% Complete | Streamline the College Earn and Learn model. |
75% Complete | Renew employee sponsorships utilizing the revised form. |
90% Complete | Add new and innovative programming (Assembly, 3D Animation, Direct Support Professionals, IM upskilling). |
80% Complete | Define the flow of information between sector boards, advisory boards, deans and program managers. |
70% Complete | Implement the ACE Military Guide. |
90% Complete | Provide education that builds in-demand skills leading to AA and AS transfer. |
80% Complete | Recruit and development of BCS MFG/Trades trainers/instructors. |
50% Complete | BCS new instructor training. |
10% Complete | Align CPC instructor onboarding, evaluation and training to credit standards. |
75% Complete | Implement Industry 4.0 curriculum, training and education. |
40% Complete | Complete renovation of industrial maintenance, robotics, automation, and engineering technology in cross-functional CBE space. |
75% Complete | Enhance the referral and partnership with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC)and the College to explore fees for service consulting. |
30% Complete | Expansion of SBDC grants and programming. |
Build stronger engagement with our high schools and business partners. Recruit
Status | Goal |
75% Complete | Continue to prioritize college and career readiness activities in the high schools. |
95% Complete | Grow concurrent and PICC offerings in the Dubuque Community Schools. |
95% Complete | Created an education academy pathway in partnership with Clarke University and Dubuque public high schools. |
Streamline credit for prior learning that is easy for the consumer to complete. Recruit
Status | Goal |
10% Complete | Provide professional development opportunities for staff and faculty. |
Expand Athletics. Recruit
Status | Goal |
75% Complete | Work with Cabinet and Board of Trustees to identify resources. |
70% Complete | Recruit additional personnel |
Expand guided career pathways to align with effective practices. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Implement credit and non-credit CNA. |
Continue implementation of strategic enrollment management plan. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Evaluate customer service on registration sites and phone response. |
100% Complete | Write comprehensive and consistent recruitment and retention plans. |
100% Complete | Implement the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. |
Create innovative educational systems that foster faculty and student engagement, quality curriculum and outcomes that prepare the student for employment or further education. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Develop non-credit to credit pathways. |
100% Complete | Provided year-round youth programming incorporating STEAM education for 5+ years of age. |
100% Complete | Strategic Grant procurement to support new and innovative programming. (GEER II Grant, American Rescue, EDA, ESOL, entry-level CDL Training program funding) |
100% Complete | Incorporate Advanced Mechatronics/Robotics/Automation into the Industrial Maintenance program. |
Build stronger engagement with our high schools and business partners. Recruit
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Cross training of College and Career Coaches to support College and Career Planning in high schools. |
100% Complete | Implementation of Child Care Earn and Learn model. |
Streamline credit for prior learning that is easy for the consumer to complete. Recruit
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Verify the CPL website is clear and up-to-date. |
100% Complete | Ensure CPL policies are up-to-date. |
100% Complete | Work with Marketing to ensure CPL options are visible to students. |
100% Complete | Work with Zurich students to develop unified CPL review processes. |
100% Complete | Attend CAEL (Nov., 2024) to explore Learner Education records and transcript competencies to credit. |
Expand Athletics. Recruit
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Engage program Consultant to review current progress and make recommendations to the College. |
100% Complete | Hire a new Athletic Director. |
Continue to strengthen faculty-led assessment of student learning. Complete
Status | Goal |
100% Complete | Revise the Assessment Plan expanding faculty roles and leadership. |
Contact Us About Our Strategic Plan

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- Phone: 844.642.2338, ext. 2135