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NICC Finance degree program named top 10 in nation by Forbes Advisor

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Forbes Advisor examined many criteria in its evaluation, especially the NICC program’s flexibility and quality instruction for online learners who reside throughout the US.

Forbes badge_newsCALMAR & PEOSTA, Iowa – Forbes Advisor, an editorial group subsidiary of the business magazine Forbes, has named Northeast Iowa Community College’s (NICC) online Finance degree program top 10 in the US among community colleges. The editorial and personal finance service placed the NICC Associate of Applied Science program eighth nationwide and among the best online programs for 2024.

Forbes Advisor examined many criteria in its evaluation, especially the NICC program’s flexibility and quality instruction for online learners who reside throughout the US. Students enrolled in the program may choose between semester-length or condensed eight-week courses, with multiple start dates. Remote students learn the same content as on-campus students and have access to the same resources, including tutoring and one-on-one advising.

NICC Dean of Business, Graphic Design, Paralegal and Science, Michael Gau, J.D., believes Forbes’ positive evaluation of the program is a credit to program faculty and an advisory board that emphasizes relevant curriculum.

“It's exciting to see that the NICC Associate of Applied Science in Finance program has been recognized for its excellence. The program is the product of the hard work of program instructor  Peter Fricano and the program advisory board. Peter and the advisory board work together to make sure the curriculum is relevant and comprehensive for students interested in business and finance. We hope students find the program interesting, challenging and a meaningful step to prepare them for employment or to further their education. Because the finance area is ever-evolving, our program will evolve to continue to provide award-winning education,” Gau said.

Students enrolled in the program train for a fast-paced, continuously challenging career in business finance and economics. They develop a strategic understanding of finance and knowledge of banking principles and learn to utilize the financial tools needed to analyze financial markets. More information about the program is at

The Forbes Advisor editorial team is independent and objective and states its reviews and “best” rankings are created using strict, published methodologies and driven solely by the editorial team in concert with industry professionals as needed. Content is informed by in-depth research, independent data gathering, analysis and expert insights. For more information, visit