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Emerging Leaders Session (Calmar)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Student Center, Room 109
Northeast Iowa Community College
1625 Hwy 150 S
Calmar, IA 52132
Event Contact
Shannon Dirks

Future Leadership: what will leadership be like when you get there?

You’ve heard it said that you are a leader now, and in some ways this is true. But, in addition, what leadership role will you hold in 5 years, 10 years and beyond? What decisions will you be called on to make? A wise leader understands the times and prepares for the future. Technology is quickly changing not just jobs and how things are done, but also the decisions that leaders will face; this will be even more true when you get into future positions of leadership. Join us as we discuss future leadership and how that impacts your preparation now.

Presented by: 

Troy Vande Lune
Leadership Speaker and Trainer
Big Rock Leader